Student Mentorship Program

At AlgoJi Enterprises, we are very glad to offer mentorship in the following phases:

Stage 1: Course – Intro to Algo Trading
Estimated Duration: 8 hours
Benefits: Exposure to algorithmic trading

Stage 2: Course – Python for Algo Trading
Estimated Duration: 30 hours
Benefits: Intro to implementation phase
Special Benefits: Certificate, Personal mentoring

Stage 3: Project on Derivatives/ML/APIs/Big Data
Estimated Duration: 60 hours
Benefits: Intro to deployment stage
Special Benefits: Certificate, Personal mentoring, Industry networking

Stage 4: Internship
Estimated Duration: Ongoing
Compensation: Pre-decided during Stage 3
Special Benefits: Pre-placement offer

The mentorship program is 100% online and self-paced. There are no fees/obligation from students, other than the urge to learn.

1. Student should not be in final year
2. Decent programming skills
3. Strong interest in Capital Markets
4. A Maximum of 25 students can be accepted on first-come-first-serve basis to Stage-3

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