We bring together established full time traders, part time traders, as well as learners. Our focus is 100% practical. We enjoy talking about how to automate trading strategies, which type of strategies are making money, and, which types of strategies are hard to implement.
Welcome to the largest professional community of Algo Traders in India!
But wait, if you provide (or interested in) tips/calls/commentary/views on the market, you are not welcome. Sorry for being rude. This is just a note of caution to save your time.
Date: 22 April, Schedule:
4:00PM – 4:15PM On Spot Registration & Pre-event Networking
4:15PM – 4:45PM Introduction to Algorithmic Trading
4:45PM – 6:00PM Tools, Techniques and Trends in Algorithmic Trading
6:00PM – 7:00PM QnA Session, Personal Networking
Speakers: (1) Saurabh Lohiya, CMT, (2) Rupesh Gutpa, CMT
Key Takeaways:
1. Understanding Probabilities behind Profitable Trading Strategies
2. Information about tools and techniques in algorithmic trading
3. Giving up whims and gambling 🙂
Venue: Rabindranath Tagore Centre
Indian Council for Cultural Relations (ICCR),
Ministry of External Affairs (Govt. of INDIA), 9A, Ho Chi Minh Sarani, Kolkata
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