Zerodha Automated Trading via Pi Trader NeoBridge

Note: This article is now obsolete

Zerodha automated trading is one of the most popular retail auto trading facility in India. This is primarily because of of Zerodha’s strong online marketing to the internet savvy Indian public.


Pi Bridge vs NeoBridge

Zerodha’s flagship product- Pi Trader- can be used to easily automate chart-based strategies using the Pi Bridge. For primary details about Pi Bridge, please refer:

However, please note a better alternative- the NeoBridge offered by NeoTrade Analytics. The NeoBridge has following advantange over Pi Bridge:

  1. It is more stable than Pi Bridge in terms of connectivity and order submission
  2. NeoTrade analytics offer far supoerior quality datafeed than Pi Trader
  3. NeoBridge has intelligence to stop consecutive executive of buy/sell orders even if they are triggered by a faulty AFL.
  4. It has a swing mode for auto-reversal of positions
  5. NeoBridge documentation can be found here:

Limitations of Default NeoBridge AFL

The default auto trading AFL provided by NeoTrade Anlytics is only a basic code. You cannot use it to customize buy/sell price, chart button based buy/sell, or selecting bullish/bearish trades.

Advanced AFL for NeoBridge

Zerodha Automated Trading via Pi Trader NeoBridge

  1. You can predefine your quantity of Buy/Sell in the parameters
  2. You Can Enter your Client ID in the Parameters
  3. You can select the Buy/Sell Price from Ask price, Bid price or LTP.
  4. Option for Enabling Actual Trading (If Disabled, No Signals will go to NOW/NEST, But chart will generate signals.) This can be used for testing.
  5. Selecting the Buy/Sell as Intraday or Delivery.
  6. Selecting Order Type as Limit/ market
  7. Short/Cover is included. You can add strategy and manual trade also is possible
  8. It saves all Buy/Sell & Short/Cover trades in memory and plotted until its cleared.
  9. Option for selecting type of trade. ie Long,Short or Together. Long trade will only starts with a buy signal and Short Trade will Only start with Short Signal. Sell and Cover signals will only appear after buy and short signals.
  10. Separate display for Buy, Sell, Short and Cover Traders for clarity.
  11. KeyBoard Shortcut for Buttons.
    Buy → Numpad 7
    Sell → Numpad 8
    Short → Numpad 4
    Cover → Numpad 5
    Clear → Numpad 0

Download AlgoJi Advanced AFL for NeoBridge

Click here to download the AFL code for Zerodha Automated Trading via Pi Trader NeoBridge